Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Photoshop 2 - Frog Tongue

The image pictured above is my Photoshop image of a frog tongue.

The process used in creating this image involved Adobe Photoshop. My second time using Photoshop, I was much more comfortable creating this computer art than my previous creation of "hungry pancakes." The process involved the isolation of a frog using the Crop Tool and Magic Wand Tool. The Magic Wand Tool was arguably the most useful tool, and was invaluable to the entire process. The tool allowed me to select a region of pixels with a similar color, and the Inverse option allowed me to effectively select any shape I want. In this case, the tools allowed me to select only the frog. Moving the frog onto the tongue and adjusting it with the Transform function, I used the Clone Stamp Tool to add the color from the tongue to the frog. After that, I used the eraser on a low opacity setting to remove the unwanted appendages from my frog. Following the eraser, I played with the shadows using the Drop Shadow layer style, adding depth and blending the frog and the tongue successfully. Lastly, I used the eraser and the Dodge / Burn Tool to soften the edges and blend the two layers for a perfect transition from tongue to frog. With all the steps completed, my frog tongue was finished.

Overall, the process of Photoshop was easier during this project. I understood plenty of keyboard shortcuts and could easily navigate the pile of menu options to find the most important editing functions, and also knew how to use many of the tools. The process was much quicker, and I also found myself less picky and more satisfied with the end result. The Magic Wand Tool was the most interesting one for me, allowing me to effortlessly isolate a unique shape from its original background. During this project, I was able to apply old techniques as well as learn new ones. I utilized the Transform function and the low-opacity eraser, and learned how to used the Clone Stamp Tool and many others. Overall, I expanded my knowledge of Photoshop, and created a interesting piece of computer art.

Photoshop 1 - Hungry Pancakes

The image pictured above is my Photoshop image of pancakes with teeth.

The entire process involved with creating this image was completed in Adobe Photoshop. First, I began with two images: one stack of pancakes, and a fish with gaping jaws. Using the Liquify Filter, I used the Bloat Tool and the Warp Tool to adjust an opening in the stack of pancakes. When I was satisfied, I worked on the fish image. Using Lasso Tool on the Polygonal setting, I was able to easily isolate the jaws portion of the fish. I adjusted the size and dimension of the jaws using the Transform function. Slight adjustment to the size of the hole and the size of the jaws allowed me to comfortably place the mouth onto my pancakes. The last step involved some small adjustments. Adjusting the hue of the jaws, I was able to achieve a light-brown / yellow color, which fit well with the overall color of the pancakes. Using the eraser on a low opacity allowed me to soften the edges around the jaws, effectively blending the two previously separate layers together. Lastly, I cut some of the raspberries from the image and arranged them to appear as eyes, completing my vicious pancake monster.

Overall, the process was not too difficult. As it was my first time using Photoshop, the process was time-consuming and frustrating in some aspects. The separation of layers was difficult to understand at first, which led to difficulty cutting and pasting. Utilizing the eraser involved careful manipulation of the mouse, requiring patience and coordination. Throughout the process, I learned a variety of keyboard shortcuts, as well as how different tools can be used to edit an image. The Lasso Tool was probably the most useful, allowing me to effortlessly isolate sections of pictures for my Photoshop needs. All in all, I enjoyed my first experience, and look forward to understand more about the program and its technicalities.